
Some Lolita Fashion Brands

It is unclear when lolita fashion start. However, in the late 1970, some famous labels including Pink House, Milk and Angelic Pretty began selling clothes that would be considered "Lolita" by today's standards. These brands impress lots of girls the most with lace, bow, ruffle and any other cute and girly design. Shortly after that came Baby, The Stars Shine Bright, and Metamorphose temps de fille. In the 1990s, Lolita fashion became better recognized, with bands like Malice Mizer and other Visual Kei or visual type bands coming into popularity. These bands wore intricate costumes, which fans began adopting as their own style. Now, some new brands is maximizing the market share such as Innocent World and Putumayo.

Usually, many of these brands are extremely expensive, especially from Janpan. You may not be able to afford them but I'd say that the Chinese lolita brands are reasonably priced compared to their Japanese counterparts. Also, you can purchase "off brand" which is stylish and quality as well as these brands but cheaper. For sewing lolita, you need to check out tutorial and patterns.

